Please check out the resources below. Note that some resources may be copyright towards giving them out publicly like the swimming tips book. However they are all fine to use as coaches.
Season Plan Examples
Here are some older season plan spreadsheets that might be used as examples or for templates.

mountain_swim_season_plan_and_microcycle_examples.xlsx |
Swimming Program Examples
Here are some programs that may be used to help write your sessions or get new ideas.
Swimming Tips
This document has a large number of swimming tips that are directed at swimmers.

50_swim_tips.pdf |
An article written by a coach on the importance of hydration

110614hydrationhandout.pdf |
An article with useful information about recovery

art_of_recovery.pdf |
Athlete Survey
An example of a survey you might give to swimmers to get them to think about swimming training.

athletes_questionnaire.docx |
Conditioning Types
This table can be used to explain what level swimmers should be training at in each set.

conditioning_types2.xlsx |
Squad Team
An overview article about how to develop teams within squads.

developing_a_competitive_team.pdf |
Parents Handbook
This handbook is useful for parents and coaches.

goswim-parent-handbbook2015-print.pdf |
Articles about nutrition and diet.

nutrition_-_what_which__when.docx |
Warm up and stretching/Dry Land
Here are some guides for swimmer exercises out of the water.

warm_up_and_stretching_exercises_for_swimmers.pdf |
Articles to inspire swimmers (and coaches).

you_are_you_grub.doc |