coaching_procedures_and_operations_2016.pdf |
Session Coaching Procedures
The basic procedure for each session is:
- Prepare a program in advance of the session
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to the water session start time.
- Get out the whiteboard and write the session warm-up on it.
- Address any issues swimmers might have such as injuries.
- 2-3 minutes before the start of the session go over the warm-up.
- Start the session on time and as a team with swimmers entering the water 5 seconds apart.
Coach the session
- During the session continue to monitor swimmers and provide coaching.
- Before the warm-up ends write the next set on the whiteboard and so forth.
- A roll can be marked at the beginning or end of the session.
Conclude the session
- Conclude the session after the swim down by reminding swimmers about any events or news they need to be aware of. Swimmers should not exit the water until the coach tells them they may.
- Clean the whiteboard using a non-abrasive cleaner.
- Make sure all swimmers are collected by parents or have made arrangements to be collected at the end of the session.
- Clean and tidy pool deck area.
- Prepare a program in advance of the session
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to the water session start time.
- Get out the whiteboard and write the session warm-up on it.
- Address any issues swimmers might have such as injuries.
- 2-3 minutes before the start of the session go over the warm-up.
- Start the session on time and as a team with swimmers entering the water 5 seconds apart.
Coach the session
- During the session continue to monitor swimmers and provide coaching.
- Before the warm-up ends write the next set on the whiteboard and so forth.
- A roll can be marked at the beginning or end of the session.
Conclude the session
- Conclude the session after the swim down by reminding swimmers about any events or news they need to be aware of. Swimmers should not exit the water until the coach tells them they may.
- Clean the whiteboard using a non-abrasive cleaner.
- Make sure all swimmers are collected by parents or have made arrangements to be collected at the end of the session.
- Clean and tidy pool deck area.
Creating a program.
- It is very important to prepare a program in advance of the session. The program should be developed with the current term cycle in mind as without this swimmers will have no adaptation and feel no structure in their ongoing training.
Stretching and loosening up.
- Stretching can be done before, during or after the sessions at the coach’s preference. If stretching is done first thing in the morning please begin with light stretches and warm-ups before doing anything rigorous.
- Follow safe stretching procedures at all times. Swimmers should not bounce on stretches or overreach.
Setting up.
- Cages/containers may need to be opened before the session.
- Ensure the first set is written up early to give time to look at other things necessary for the start of the session.
- Swimmers should be made aware of their responsibilities in getting ready to swim. This is outlined in the introduction to squad document.
- In the event of uncertainty as to whether a swimmer is unable to train due to injury, sickness or any other reason ere on the side of caution and use your best judgement.
Starting the session on time.
- It is important to begin the session on time and as a group. This is part of the high quality standards presented by the Mountain Swim squads.
- Where swimmers are consistently late follow the discipline policy.
Food or drinks on pool deck.
- Coaches should not consume food during a session except in the case of needing sugar for feelings of light-headed or low energy.
- Drinks are fine to have on pool deck. It is recommended for coaches to carry water bottles during all sessions. Hot drinks need to be in a sealed bottle or thermos and kept in a safe location.
Tightening up lane ropes.
- Lifeguards are responsible for tightening of lane ropes. Please email Corin if this is a regular problem.
- Occasionally coaches may need to tighten lane ropes. This should only be done if the coach is able to do so with no risk of injury.
Talking to the public.
- Please use a professional manner when talking to lap swimmers and other centre patrons.
- Alert lap swimmers to squad starting times in advance as much as possible.
- The following phrase (or similar) can be used to ask lap swimmers to vacate squad lanes: “Excuse me sir/madam, sorry to interrupt you but the squad training is due to start now/soon. Could you please move over to one of the lap swimming lanes to continue your program. Thank you very much”.
- Swimmers should not dive into lanes where there are lap swimmers still doing laps.
- In the event of a lap swimmer being uncooperative, refer to a lifeguard for help.
Flirting Swimmers.
- Swimmers of all ages and sexes should not be acting in any manner inappropriate for squad training. This is a high quality standard of Mountain Swim squads. Where swimmers act inappropriately in this manner coaches should initially talk to that person/people privately. If the behaviour continues coaches should follow the discipline policy procedures.
Climbing out over the edge, safe equipment and dry land training.
- Coaches need to make sure that all equipment used for dry land training is safe. In particular mats that can get wet and become slippery should not be used where there is a risk of injury.
- When swimmers need to climb out over the edge of the pool, that area should considered in terms of safety and possibly be made clear of equipment or obstacles prior to the swimmer exiting the water.
- Coaches need to check that blocks are safe for use (properly secured) before swimmers use them.
- Swimmers need to be supervised by the coach throughout the squad session.
- Where the coach needs to use the bathroom or quickly see to an issue they should ask the lifeguard to monitor the swimmers for one-two minutes.
- Mobile phones should not be used during the session except in the case of emergencies.
- Distractions such as parents talking to coaches should be kept minimal wherever possible.
Talking to parents or interested patrons during sessions.
- When coaches are approached about squads during a session the coach should aim to let that person/people know they are currently supervising a session and will be available before or after normal session times. Alternatively they may be referred to information via the website or business cards.
First aid and injuries.
- Coaches should not conduct first aid outside the boundaries of their training. Please ask the lifeguard to help out if their is a need.
Swimming squad procedures, standards and discipline policy.
- Coaches should familiarise themselves with the information provided to the squad trainers regarding standards and policies.Please visit the sections of this website.
Appropriate conduct.
- Coaches need to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
- Coaches should be aware of how they make physical contact with swimmers in regards to this. Where coaches may need to deal with a hands on stretch, injury or other, it is advised they ask a lifeguard to remain in the nearby area.
- Coaches should not be providing lifts to or from the pool except with the immediate and direct consent of parents. Ideally if providing a lift three people are in the car.
Marking the roll.
- At the end of the session coaches should mark the roll. This is a useful documentation tool as well as a way for coaches to provide feedback. Coaches may wish to mark a number (from 1-5) based on that swimmers performance throughout the session, instead of using a tick or X. A list of enrolled swimmers can be accessed through google drive. Please do not make any direct changes to this original document.
- Please visit the coaching/attendance tab on this website for more information.
Concluding the session.
- Swimmers should be informed they need to pack away any borrowed or owned equipment they used for the session.
- Individual swimmer/s may be nominated/volunteer to be responsible for the pool deck area at the conclusion of the session.
- Coaches need to make sure any area and equipment used by the squad is left in a clean, tidy state.
Major incident procedures.
- Before your first session please ask the lifeguard office to have a look at their major incident procedures manual. This is a reasonably short document that outlines what the response will be to a major incident. It is important to familiarise yourself with what to do in the case of things such as fires and serious injuries. The following particularly apply:
- Follow the lifeguard’s instructions.
- You may need to take the squad out of the water and as a group go to the emergency meeting area.
- Your primary responsibility is yourself and the squad swimmers, not other members or lap swimmers who will be looked after by the lifeguards.
- Respond within the boundaries of your training (C.P.R and First Aid).