Term Fees Squad fees are for training during a school term. To calculate a school term we use an average of 11 weeks. This allows for credit amounts to stay consistent and fees to be clearer. Fees cover training for a swimmer for any number of sessions at that squad level at any of the swimming centres. The fee is for squad training only and doesn't cover pool entry costs or gym, spa and sauna use.
Fees are broken down into two categories: Registration Fee and Pool Deck Fees. Fees are paid in a single payment for the term.
Registration Fee
There is a flat term registration fee for each swimmer which covers all the additional runnings of the squads aside from pool deck sessions. This includes things such as insurance fees, administration and other events.
Pool Deck Fee
The training fee covers pool deck sessions. These can be credited when swimmers are away for a full week or more.
Term Fees Breakdown Mini Squad Registration Fee: $68 Weekly Pool Deck Fee: $22 Total Term Cost: $310
Bronze Squad Registration Fee: $76 Weekly Pool Deck Fee: $24 Total Term Cost: $340
Silver Squad Registration Fee: $84 Weekly Pool Deck Fee: $26 Total Term Cost: $370
Performance Squad Registration Fee: $91 Weekly Pool Deck Fee: $29 Total Term Cost: $410
Credit For Squad Fees
Swimmers can have weeks missed during the school term credited for their term squad fees. This credit is for the weekly pool deck fee. The registration fee can't be credited. This credit can often be applied for the current term though is usually easier to apply for the next term. To get a credit please contact Mountain Swim.
Fee Dates Squad fees are able to be paid for the coming term from the 1st of the Month in which the term is starting (January/April/July/October). Prior to this, registration for a coming term isn't possible (e.g. you cant pay for term 2 in February).
Squad fees for the term are due by the 10th of the starting month. (January/April/July/October).
Training During School Holidays
Training is run at times through the school holidays. This training is not always consistently run. Rather then have an additional fee for this training we make training free during holidays for swimmers that are current or upcoming members of Mountain Swim.
Holiday Training Guide (Senior: Silver/Performance, Junior: Mini/Bronze)
This gives a rough guide to the holiday training we might offer (Note: this might change from term to term):
January School Holidays Typically there is training between Xmas and New Years for Senior Squads (Silver/Performance) Junior squads (Mini and Bronze) have some training options from week two of January.
April School Holidays We usually have a squad break for the April holidays. Some swimmers may be competing at Nationals in the first week of the holidays. Some swimmers with school events usually request programs to keep up their training during one or two weeks.
July School Holidays There is uaully sessions running for both weeks of the school holidays for senior squads. For junior squads there is usually some combined sessions running.
October School Holidays We usually provide programs for the 1st week for Senior squads and run coached sessions for the second week.
New Registration
A new swimmer needs to go through the three step process that can be found by clicking on the enrolment button on the homepage. This includes an assessment, signing up on the helloclub platform and registering to emailing lists and communication apps.
A swimmer can join up at any time. Fees can be credited from the start of the term if a swimmer signs up partly through the term.
When first signing up swimmers need to select a 'subscription' in helloclub. This is the same thing as a squad level. Alternatively, new swimmers can join as 'non members', with no fees and then add a subscription later (used when a credit can be applied).
Using Helloclub
To register a swimmer we use a platform called Helloclub. This platform can be accessed by clicking on the link on the homepage.
When registering a swimmer please use the swimmers name and not the parent. The registration allows us to create a role for the swimmer for squad classes. Each swimmer needs their own enrolment. The same email address can be used for two or more swimmers in the same family.
When paying squad fees it is possible to turn on or off automatic payments in Helloclub. This is off by default.